For people affected by suicide in Cheshire & Merseyside, Coventry & Warwickshire, Kent & Medway, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Mid and South Essex, North Central London, South Yorkshire, Southampton, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and Portsmouth, Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, Thames Valley, and serving personnel within the British Armed Forces
Amparo means ‘shelter’ or ‘safe haven’ in Spanish and provides support for anyone affected by suicide. Support can be provided one-to-one, to family groups, groups of colleagues or peers – whatever is preferred by you and is most appropriate to your situation. The service can be delivered in your home or wherever you are most comfortable. Our service is completely confidential and can provide short-term or longer-term support, depending on what you feel it is you need.
Amparo provides emotional and practical support. Our experienced Liaison Workers can listen to your needs and assist you in accessing the support you need, whilst helping with a range of practical matters such as: dealing with police and coroners; helping with media enquiries; preparing for and attending inquest and helping you to access other, appropriate, local support services.