What we do

Amparo provides emotional and practical support for anybody who has felt the impact of suicide

Our experienced Suicide Liaison Workers will listen, provide emotional support, whilst helping with a range of practical matters such as:

  • liaising with police and coroners
  • helping with media enquiries
  • preparing for and attending inquest
  • finding other, appropriate, local support services

Amparo provides support to anyone who has been affected by suicide, the service is free and confidential for as long as people need it.

If you’re a professional and want to learn more about the Amparo service, book onto one of our free briefing sessions.

The 40 minute sessions, delivered via Teams by one of Amparo’s Team Leaders, have already drawn attendance from all across the country and have been popular with staff working in organisations ranging from the police, the NHS, social care and the voluntary and community sectors.

Book Session

What people say about Amparo

We strongly felt that Amparo was the best support agency we dealt with during this difficult time and that a was a credit to you


Amparo supports every beneficiary to access a Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS) group in areas where SOBS operate. We also support beneficiaries to access the following services when appropriate:


Free and confidential
0800 068 41 41


5pm to midnight
0800 58 58 58


Find local support here.


A safe place for you to talk
any time you like, 24hrs
Call 116 123 for free


Amparo is a member of the Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP). We work collaboratively within the SASP network of organisations and charities who strive to provide appropriate and timely support to those bereaved by suicide.